
Exclusive Interview with BIZZARE: Unveiling the Soul of a Rising & Eclectic Artist – CDA Records x Cafe De Anatolia

#Exclusive Interview with BIZZARE

CDA Mag: Welcome, BIZZARE! We’re thrilled to have you here for this interview. To begin, could you please introduce yourself and your musical journey?

BIZZARE: Thank you for having me! My name is Jacob, known in the artistic world as “BIZZARE.” I’m a DJ, producer, designer, and promoter from Slovakia. My musical journey began 17 years ago when I was just 15. Initially, I explored the world of Hip-Hop and RnB, but everything changed in 2016 when I experienced the magical sounds of Electronic Music during a live performance by Solomun in Prague. From that moment on, I’ve been dedicated to sharing this beautiful music and culture with my fellow Slovaks.

CDA Mag: That’s quite a transformation! Your dedication to spreading Electronic Music is admirable. Could you tell us about your latest release “Destined To Meet”? What was your inspiration behind it, and how did the creative process unfold?

BIZZARE: “Destined To Meet” is a track that holds a special place in my heart. The inspiration behind it came from a series of serendipitous events and encounters that felt like the universe was guiding me towards something incredible. The creative process was organic; I started with a catchy melody that played in my head after one particular moment of inspiration. As the pieces fell into place, I added groovy percussions and captivating vocals, aiming to create a song that would infuse the listeners with positive energy and summer vibes. The track is set to be released on August 3rd, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone!

CDA Mag: We can feel your excitement! “Destined To Meet” sounds like a fantastic addition to the Electronic Music scene. Speaking of which, could you tell us about your connection with Cafe De Anatolia and how you got your track signed with them?

BIZZARE: Cafe De Anatolia is a label that I truly admire. Their support for talented producers and their dedication to promoting diverse music is inspiring. I often buy tracks from them for my DJ gigs. The connection started when my brother, Cuprite, from Ukraine suggested that I send my track “Destined To Meet” to them. I thought it was a long shot, but to my delight, they loved the track, and it resulted in a wonderful collaboration. It’s an honor to work with such a prestigious label in the music industry.

CDA Mag: That’s a remarkable achievement, BIZZARE! Your dedication to your craft and musical exploration have certainly paid off. Moving on, could you share a memorable moment from your music career that made a significant impact on your artistic journey?

BIZZARE: One of the most memorable moments in my career was when I had the incredible opportunity to perform as a warm-up act for Boris Brejcha’s show in Bratislava. Playing in front of a crowd of 5000 people was an exhilarating experience. The energy and connection with the audience were unparalleled. It was a pivotal moment for me, reinforcing my passion for music and motivating me to continue my artistic journey.

CDA Mag: That sounds like an electrifying experience! It must have been a turning point in your journey as a musician. Speaking of which, as an artist, how do you approach the creative process? Do you have any specific rituals or methods to get into the creative mindset?

BIZZARE: My creative process is quite spontaneous. I don’t have specific rituals, but I always keep an open mind and let inspiration flow naturally. Sometimes, ideas strike me at unexpected moments, and I immediately record them on my phone to explore later. When I’m in the studio, I allow myself to experiment freely with different sounds and melodies, letting the track take its own course. The key is to stay open to new possibilities and not restrict myself to any particular genre or style.

CDA Mag: That’s a wonderful approach to creativity, allowing room for exploration and spontaneity. Your dedication to blending different genres certainly reflects in your unique style. On that note, what do you believe sets your music apart from others in the industry? What makes your sound unique?

BIZZARE: I think what sets my music apart is the combination of sexy, groovy, and atmospheric vibes, intertwined with mesmerizing melodies and captivating vocals. I find the human voice to be the most unique instrument, capable of expressing genuine emotions. Unlike some artists who stick to one genre, I prefer to create whatever I feel inspired to make at the moment. Whether it’s Organic House, Afro, Deep, Tech, Melodic, or Progressive House, I blend all these elements in my DJ gigs and productions, embracing diversity to create a sound that’s uniquely mine.

CDA Mag: Embracing diversity in music undoubtedly adds depth and richness to your artistry. As you’ve ventured into different genres, how do you handle challenges or setbacks in your music career? Is there a particular experience that taught you valuable lessons?

BIZZARE: Like any career, there are challenges and setbacks in the music industry. One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned is the importance of staying motivated and maintaining a positive mindset. The industry can be tough, but it’s crucial not to let setbacks deter you from your passion. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and staying focused on your goals is essential for overcoming challenges and continuing to grow as an artist.

CDA Mag: Wise words indeed. Collaboration is another vital aspect of the music world. Have you collaborated with other artists, and if so, how has it influenced your musical direction?

BIZZARE: Collaboration has been an enriching experience for me. Working with other artists brings fresh perspectives and ideas to the table, which has positively influenced my musical direction. It allows me to step out of my comfort zone, experiment with new sounds, and learn from the diverse talents I collaborate with. Such partnerships have broadened my horizons and contributed to my growth as an artist.

CDA Mag: It’s inspiring to see how collaboration has expanded your artistic horizons. In the digital age, leveraging technology and social media is crucial for musicians. How do you use these platforms to connect with your fans and promote your music?

BIZZARE: Technology and social media have been game-changers for artists like me. I use these platforms to engage with my fans, share updates about upcoming releases, and provide behind-the-scenes glimpses into my creative process. It allows me to connect with a global audience, share my music, and receive immediate feedback. Additionally, digital platforms have opened doors to collaboration opportunities and helped me build a supportive community of music enthusiasts.

CDA Mag: Your approach to connecting with fans through social media is commendable. Shifting gears, what’s your favorite part of being a musician? Is there a specific aspect of your career that brings you the most joy and fulfillment?

BIZZARE: My favorite part of being a musician is undoubtedly the ability to share my passion for music with others. Witnessing the positive impact my music has on people, whether it’s during a live performance or through the digital realm, brings me immense joy and fulfillment. Music has the power to touch hearts, and knowing that my creations resonate with people makes every moment of my musical journey worthwhile.

**CDA Mag

**CDA Records

**Cafe De Anatolia

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